
Let Freedom Ring

When we think of Freedom, the first things that may come to mind are it’s opposites; slavery, injustice, wars, persecution, imprisonment, and so on. Today, many of us are fortunate enough to live in a place and time of tremendous, wonderful freedoms, though we may take this for granted for the most part, like having fresh water to drink and clean air to breath.

But even if we enjoy relative freedom on the external, we all have to work on maintaining freedom within.

We find and maintain freedom within by recognizing all that we are. We find and maintain freedom within by knowing our power to create dreams and then moving towards them until we are manifesting and living them.

Deepak Chopra says in his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: If you have life centered present moment awareness, then more than 90% of imaginary obstacles disintegrate and disappear. The remaining 5 – 10% of perceived obstacles can be transmuted into opportunities through intention. When you learn to harness the power of intention, you can create anything that you desire. I love this book for many reasons, but most of all for the way Deepak provides signposts to deep and boundless Freedom.

In addition to spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer, reading motivational books and being with my sheep, I LOVE to ask myself magical questions. Like: Okay, so I am really struggling right now, this is hard (e.g. dealing with an obstacle in life, feeling overwhelmed by things that need to be done, not wanting to face something scary, etc.). If I could wave a magic wand … what would be different? or If I suddenly had Five Million Dollars in the bank, with nothing I needed to spend it on, … what would I do in this situation? These questions help me pull back out of the feelings of worry and stress, and think creatively about how I’d solve the problem if I could do anything at all about it. I find myself feeling lighter and freer immediately, and I find that most of the time I come up with great solutions very quickly.

Even if I only come up with solutions that don’t seem practical at the moment, asking these magical questions helps me be more clear about my priorities and what my heart truly wants. These exercises help me feel un-stuck, and to become aware of and to harness the freedoms I have in my life that I may have lost sight of.

We are meant to know ourselves as beautiful souls, energy, beings… living out a life with infinite potential. We are meant to feel love, and to seek out more love and joy, and share more love and joy … over and over. We have freedom within us innately and we can unlock it by listening to our hearts and following them.

What are some areas of your life where you can seek out a deeper sense of Freedom?

If you would like to have a Life Coaching session with Katherine, please feel free to text to: 770-335-0025
